ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

We were challenged… We accepted… And this was the result…


Lemonade Mouth Backpack

Lemonade Mouth BackpackJust saw this amazing Lemonade Mouth backpack. Coolness! Gotta get me one! 🙂


Letter from a reader…

I get a lot of email from readers and many ask similar questions, so I thought I’d post this latest one and my answer:

MailboxHi, I’m a fan of the Lemonade Mouth series. I live in the UK. I saw the film and decided to read the books, I loved them. I’m a GIANT lemonhead and I really want a second film made based on Lemonade Mouth Puckers Up you’ve written. I love your books and I am thirteen and want to write a book myself. Could i have any tips?

— Lemon Head uk


Dear Lemon Head uk,

I’m so glad the Lemonade Mouth movie led you to read the books! As far as writing tips, just keep writing and writing. Share your work with other writers who care about writing and improving, and read their work too. A big tip: Forming a writing critique group (for example, get together regularly with friends who also write and want to improve) is a great way to do this. Give good, thoughtful feedback about their work. Listen to the good, thoughtful feedback they give to you. Read a lot. Write some more. Read some more. Keep following your passion.

Good luck!


Visiting Middle Schoolers at Meadowbrook School, Weston MA

(From the school’s website)
The Meadowbrook School English Department was pleased to welcome author Mark Peter Hughes yesterday to discuss the writing process with our 6th, 7th and 8th graders. Hughes had the middle school students rapt; several came up to him afterwards to ask questions and have their books signed.

He had three tips for superb storywriting:
1) compelling stories start with characters
2) show, don’t tell
3) the beginning is important, and revisions even more so

He worked with the students on a character development project and…  more


Me and my daughter

I know this doesn’t have much to do with writing but I’m just so proud of my daughter Zoe, who is here singing Jason Mraz’s “I’m Yours” while I back her up on ukulele This was at a recent open mic night near where we live. Proud dad. 🙂


Amazing Fan Art

Fan Art by Jessica N, Bayside, WI – I Am The Wallpaper by Mark Peter Hughes

Check out this incredible fan art for I Am the Wallpaper, an amazing drawing by Jessica N, an 8th grader at St. Eugene School in Bayside, WI. I love, love, love it!

Any other talented folks out there with art to share? 🙂





Captain Frogman: A short, stupid, kinda fun movie I made as a kid

When I was ten I started making movies using my dad’s super 8 movie camera. This before digital cameras, before DVDs, before making videos was common or easy. The camera didn’t even have sound and I had to save up the money just to buy and process the film so we never did more than one take of any scene, even when things went wrong, which was often. Captain Frogman isn’t great art and it definitely won’t win any Oscars. But it’s a story project I did as a kid. Here it is in all it’s shaky, stupid glory. Enjoy! 🙂


“Lemonade Mouth Puckers Up” Named a Bank Street Best Childrens Book of 2013!

Proud to share that Lemonade Mouth Puckers Up has just been selected as a Bank Street Best Children’s Book of the 2013! Hooray!



Is it just me or is the A Crack In The Sky future starting to feel less and less like sci-fi?

Heat-Trapping Gas Passes Milestone, Raising Fears

THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 10, 2013

The level of the most important heat-trapping gas in the atmosphere, carbon dioxide, has passed a long-feared milestone, scientists reported Friday, reaching a concentration not seen on the earth for millions of years…The best available evidence suggests the amount of the gas in the air has not been this high for at least three million years, before humans evolved, and scientists believe the rise portends large changes in the climate and the level of the sea…   (read full article)



Fan-made LM Book trailer

Just saw this, made by a fan. Nice. Many thanks!
